The Log & DBug Library project page

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Presentation of the project

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License and  documentation


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Presentation of the project
The Dbug Library is a free PL/SQL library, comes from the experience of PL/SQL developers and is useful to debug your programs in the development phase and trace their activity in production. It is also a basic and efficient instrumentation tool to monitor the evolution of your programs performances.
Please read the Tom Kyte blog to know the advantages of instrumentation.

If you want to have a look to the code quality the main package and the install/uninstall scripts are online.

Who can be interested in ?
If you are a PL/SQL developer, you are the core target of the free DBug library, it will save you a lot of time.
If you are managing PL/SQL projects or you have PL/SQL project in your unit, you are also concerned, you can improve the efficiency of your developers, the quality of your deliveries and the planning of your projects. See "Gains".
If you are working in a quality service, no argumentation is necessary, you know all the benefits of a reliable and reusable code. It is under LGPL licence, you can integrate the library in the processes of your company.
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With the functions of the free DBug Library, you are able to log in a few milliseconds for a PL/SQL program :
  • its start,
  • its stop,
  • all the events (info, warning) and the values you need,
  • the functional errors (triggered when you decide),
  • the technical errors.
A very complete function permits you to manage the log and error tables and to keep only the log you need.
You are able to reconstitute the tree of the program calls and the duration of each program.
You can send the logs and errors in the dedicated tables, the files you want or on screen, as you decide.
You will be finally focused on your core development and not on the facilities to develop.
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License and documentation
A complete set of documentation is provided with the library which is distributed under the
GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3, 29 June 2007.
You will find in the documentation all you need to use, understand, modify the library and to be sure of the quality of the code, which has been deeply tested. Feel free to use it and to spread it.
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The unit and integration tests has to take at least 20 to 40% of your development time, and you're always short to do them. With that type of debugging tool, which includes log and error management, you use a reliable code and accelerate the development and the test phase. As you are always able to trace all the procedure calls, the tree of calls and trap all the functional and technical errors you can cut your test time by two.
You are focused on the tests cases ans not on the realization of the tool to catch all the results.
Are you interested to gain in time and quality?
Moreover, if you use it in production, you will have instrumentation to know what you need about the performance of your code and how to improve it.
If you work in IT services, you can also customize the library for your customers and offer them a quality software .
If you are a final customer, follow the execution of all your PL/SQL program with a reliable and easy to use tool.
Whoever you are, you always have a good reason to use the free DBug library.
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Participation to the project
You are invited to participate to the project if you are interested in and you have some skills in development, tests, translations or only ideas or needs on PL/SQL. You can be an actor of the project  (just ask to the administrator) or participate through the forums. But first, download and try the library !
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PL/SQL frameworks Blog
You will find here all the news about the PL/SQL frameworks and libraries that you can find on internet. We will also discuss about the tools needed in each development phase (development, production, maintenance), the error management and so on.
So if you are interested in the subject, join us and give your feedback !
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